Camp Hinds
Raymond Maine, USA
Here is a record of Keith Nixon's time as International Camp Staff at
Camp Hinds, Maine, USA.
It all started with the engineering firm I was employed at closing.
So I was unemployed.
After a few crappy jobs I decided to reply to an advertizement in Scouting
magazine asking for International Camp Staff for 1986 in the USA. You applied
and the BSA sent you where you were needed. I'm not sure of the process
stateside but I ended up being told I was to go to Camp Hinds, Raymond,
After much preparation I stood at the departure gate of London Heathrow
awaiting my TWA flight to Boston. And now the fun starts.
I was to meet my contact at Boston Airport but on arrival there was
no-one. I or he was at the wrong gate. I waited three hours but no one
arrived. I tried to phone but had no reply from my contacts. So it was
up to me to find my own way there.
I was a Scout and that's what we do. I'd catch the train to Portland
and take it from there. Except there are no passenger trains from Boston
to Portland at that time only Greyhound buses. So bus it was. I found
my way across Boston to the Greyhound bus terminal and caught a bus north
to Portland Maine.
I arrived at Portland bus terminus late in the evening. I tried to phone
my contacts again. First one...nothing. Second...nothing. I had one more,
the camp itself. Luckily someone answered. If they had not I had planned
to start walking, it couldn't be far. Could it?
Glen Gisel, camp ranger, answered the phone suprised. They had thought
I had not come. There was someone at the airport after all. I told them
I was at the bus station and they said they were on their way to pick me
up. I told them I was nipping over to Burger King to get something to eat.
I hadn't eaten since getting off the plane. So I sat and waited...and waited...and
waited. No one came. Then at half past ten Glen's pick up drove across
the parking lot.
"I'm sorry," said Glen, "I went to the jetport. When I called home again
they said you were in Burger King. There is no BK at the Jetport. We put
two and two together and worked it out". We drove back to the camp and
I crashed out. I'd been up twenty three hours.
Portland Greyhound Bus terminal at dusk....alone.
Judy & Glen Gisel
The training centre.
The main gate to Camp Hinds.
Constructing the F dock during staff week.
Wilderness cabin
Wilderness cabin with the CBs fixing the roof.
Cub camp.
Bud MacNamara, who ran the rifle range.
The F dock and swimming area. You could only enter
the water if you had a buddy (buddy system). Every few minutes a bell would
ring and a call 'buddy up' was made. You then counted pairs to the number
of tokens on the board. If they did not tally you got LBD (Lost Bather
Drill) and every one had to assemble in front of the tower to be counted.
All staff had to report to the swimming area and check the water for drowned
scouts. It always ended with some embarrassed Scout emerging from a corner
having forgotten to tell anyone he'd left the F dock and remove his token.
He would be banned from swimming for a day.
Ray (The Bear) LeClare outside Boone cabin.
A weeks worth of Scouts that ended up in Wilderness
Iron man triathlon. All troops put in a team. You
had one person swim a section, one canoe and one run (me!!). My trunks
are on Tom Swift who is second from right at the start. He thought it might
gain him an advantage.
Tom Swift emerging from the water with my trunks
Pioneering base near Boone pump house.
Another view of Scoutcraft from Boone Cabin.
Retreat at the end of day. Everyone, except me, salutes
the US flag... I'm British and we have our own.
The trading post.
Inside the trading post, where you could buy stuff
to make things like Indian headgear, a leather pouch or buy sweets (candy).
You could also buy Slush Puppies. Paul and myself
decided to try mixing them to see what other flavours we could make. Our
best was a green one (shown here) which we called a Tenny River after the
Tenny River which is a couple of hundred metres behind me taking the photo.
Here are a group of Scouts on top of Rattlesnake
mountain, just north of camp.
Some more building a camp gate.
There was always a campfire at the end of the week.
Here is Marty Kadel with a man claiming to be a munchkin.
Occasionally them pesky injuns would turn up.
Keith lead a song - Peeeeeeeeeeering from the window....
...of the first floor, was a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuman face.
Marty Kadel does some disco dancing while Ray LeClare
hands out the leader neckerchiefs.
At the end of the campfire the staff would sing mellow
songs and patriotic tunes. Then we sang a song about a muffin man
and all went to bed.
It's July 25th and for some reason, best known only
to others, it was Christmas day. So we decorated the cabin with drinks
Marty Kadel holding up a leaning tree.
Trail to Eagle week. Here are some Eagle Scout candidates.
Some staff members milling about aimlessly.
If it was you birthday you got 'paddled'. Here is
a bloke over 7 foot tall being wacked by the tiniest scout in camp that
The dining hall. On the ceiling was nailed all the
plaques of different troops over the years. Mine is up there too.
The rec hall building and camp truck unloading some
It was a long summer and occasionally the medication
failed to work.
Nurse Jane Fuzzy-Wuzzy. (Erlane Sargent). She was
camp nurse.
The terrarium. This was Dean Zaharis's empire. It
was a sort of natural habitat surrounded by a moat. If anyone found anything
interesting they could imprison it here. In the moat was a couple of bass
that Dean ate at the end of camp.
At the end of each week we held the 'Alfred E Newman'
award. Anyone making a blunder could be nominated and we all voted on who
got it. I was nominated for traumatising a cub during a camp fire with
a ghost story. I claimed I should get a medal not critisised. They agreed
and someone else got it.
This bloke got it because he took the speed boat
out on the lake and the engine fell off the back into the water.
Order of the arrow.
Wayne Holden with a beard you could hide a badger
in, plus OA sash.
Dale Barter in his bed. I have wired it into the
power main to try and jolt some movement and life into him.
The bugler boy. He made such a mess of the cabin
with half eaten pizza and played some crappy soft rock ballad over and
over again till we threw him out of the cabin.
My nice neat bunk with double matress on top. Terry
Fellows slept below.
Tenny Bridge over the Tenny River.
Aquatics week.
Rory Putnam.
Tom Swift with an orienteering marker on his head.
Steak night and some of the staff dressed up in odd
suits they had perloined from somewhere.
More injuns.
For some obscure reason, I am up a tall bendy tree.
Scout Arch as Scouts leave at the end of the week.
at Retreat.
At the very end of camp, after the final Retreat,
all the staff jumped into the lake with their uniform on.
Marty Kadel on a Cub Scout Recruitment drive. Here,
he is taking names and addresses..
For more info about Keith you may visit his
Brantham 'Panthers' Venture Scout Unit
He would love you to sign their guestbook.
Note: This is an external website and is not part
of the Friends Of Hinds website.